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bus controller造句

"bus controller"是什么意思  
  • Initializing designing program of can bus controller sja
  • Arinc 429 bus controller ip and configurable soc module for
    S698 - 429 -专为高端应用领域设计的
  • Mil - std - 1553b bus controller ip and configurable soc module for
    S698 - 1553b -专为高端应用领域设计的
  • C bus controller ip
  • C bus controller ip provides a simple and efficient method of data exchange between i
  • In this paper research , the design of pci bus controller is mainly discussed
  • It analyses the function and architecture of pci bus controller , which is based on analysis and mastery of pci bus specification
  • At present , the pci bus controller card has beening successfully used in the syetem for adas romote receiving , and satisfies the need
  • Also features and usage of amcc s5920 used as pci bus controller in the paper are given . then relevant technologies about dsp are detailed
    文中第二章详细阐述了信号采集处理卡的硬件设计过程,包括pci总线接口的实现、 dsp芯片的选择等等。
  • The designed bus controller performs perfectly in the phase of system test . especailly , the communication between bc and psp ( power system processor ) is very successful
  • It's difficult to see bus controller in a sentence. 用bus controller造句挺难的
  • C bus controller ip support 3 exchange speeds : normal 100kbps , fast 400kbps and high 3 . 5mbps , but only normal and fast modes are support directly , for high speed mode , special ios are needed
    和高速模式3 . 5mbps ,但是只有低速模式和快速模式可以直接支持,而高速模式的实现需要特殊的高速
  • At first , this dissertation researches the design and implementation of pci bus controller , based on fpga technology and using the high - level design method . the pci local bus specification is also analysed comprehensively
    本课题包括了基于fpga技术的pci总线控制器、 pci总线控制卡硬件电路、 wdm驱动程序和应用软件的设计与实现。
  • So the gateway can access the external can - bus equipments with special function designed by consumer though mitsubishi plc program tool , and the can - bus controller can melt into mitsubishi plc network
  • The design and implementation of all sub modules of pci bus target controller are also discussed in detail in this paper , whose premise is function analysis and architecture partition of pci bus controller
  • Bus controller ( bc ) is an important component in fulfilling the automation of aviation electrical load control and management , whose primary task is to monitor and control the major bus of aircraft ' s electrical system
  • The hardvvare consists of a / d converter , first in first out buffers , programmable logic device and pci bus controller s5933 . the softvvare consists of hardware driver and application program
    系统硬件部分主要包括md转换、先进先出数据缓存器、控制读写逻辑的可编程逻辑器件和pci总线接口芯片s5933 ,软件部分即数据采集卡的驱动程序和应用程序。
  • Grounded on the system structure , bus controller ( bc ) design includes six modules : electrical remote terminal ( ert ) , analog input , digital input , digital output , bus communication and power supply module . the detailed design of each module is discussed in this dissertation
    在该系统结构下,对汇流条控制器进行了方案设计,将其划分为六个功能模块: ert (电气远程终端)模块、模拟量输入模块、数字量输入模块、数字量输出模块、通信模块和电源模块。
  • In this thesis , can bus is used as the system bus , concentrating the research on the feasibility of using redundancy can bus technology in large - scale motor vehicle safety performance detecting & control system . this thesis first gives an overall design of the data collection and control system applied to the front end of a large - scale motor vehicle safety performance detecting & control system . regarding that the bus controller , bus driver and bus transfer medium would fail to function easily , the dual mode cold - redundancy structure is adopted in system to ensure the reliability
  • This dissertation is clued by the design and implementation of function module , and it expatiates on the subject of pci bus controller , which involves all processes of design , simulation , synthesis and test . in this research , the design of pci bus target controller is mainly discussed
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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